Instagram now has more than 1 billion monthly users around the globe. These people can share photos, stories, and highlights on IG. Stories on IG are a perfect way of spreading business and sharing happy moments of your life. But the question is that how do you know who viewed your story or story highlight on IG?
I know that is why you are here and I will show you the exact procedure for that. Then you will be able to see the list of those people (viewers) who viewed your IG story or its highlights. Honest matter if it is within 24 hours or after 24 hours.
Nowadays the most interesting things are you can share these stories o FB automatically. That way these stories can impress more people on both these giants’ social media sites.
The story’s features on IG has been introduced back in 2016. Day by day it’s getting better and receiving more features for a better user experience. According to sources at that time, the feature has been copied from Snapchat. Read How to Change Your Phone Number on Instagram.
That is what we think too, everyone is copying each other. But the question of who is doing it the better way. I think Facebook stories features are unique. Almost all popular social apps have the story feature, including FB, YouTube, Whatsapp, etc. Anyway, let’s avoid these things and proceed to our topic. A video guide is available below.
See Who Viewed Your Instagram Story
Each time you create and publish a story on IG. It is there for 24 hours and then it is gone (the archive is not enabled). However, the highlight is what is always been there once you create and publish it. Highlights are there until you manually get rid of them. Anyways to look at the story viewers on Instagram:
- Open your Instagram app.
- Tap on Your Story.
- Now swipe from bottom to top.
- Here is a list of people who viewed your story.

As you can see there is a list of your IG story viewers. You can do several things now. For example tap, the three dots hide your stories from the person, view the profile of the viewer, etc.
Now the question is what if you want you to want to see the IG story viewer after 24 hours? The answer is You can and You cannot. I will explain it below. But first I am gonna show you how to enable the Story archive on Instagram. Read Save Videos Easily from IG on PC, Android and iPhone.
Enable Story Archive on Instagram
Do you wanna your story on Instagram forever with you? If the answer is Yes, then you must enable the story archive. So that IG will automatically save these photos and videos, etc to the archived list. Then you can view them later on even after 24 hours. Now enable the archive for stories on IG:
- Tap your profile icon at the bottom right.
- Now tap Menu, Settings then Privacy.
- Tap Story.
- Scroll down and enable the Save Story to Archive option.

That is it, now you don’t have to save photos and videos you have shared on IG as your story. It will be automatically moved to the archive so that you can get there and check it out when you want.
Now that you have enabled the archive feature, you can easily check your future stories list there and its viewers after 24 hours.
See IG Story Viewers After 24 Hours
It is important to enabling the story archive to save these stories to the archived list. Check the above procedure for that. So that then you can view the future stories and reshare if you want. Also, you will be able to view the list of viewers who saw your story. To see who viewed your story after 24 hours or the story disappeared:
- Tap your profile icon (at the bottom right).
- Now tap the Menu then Archive.
- Tap to open a story.
- Swipe from bottom to top on the story.
- Here is the list of your story viewers.

It is actually the performance of a story within 24 hours. You are getting my point right? That is how easy it is. If you don’t wanna swipe from bottom to top. Then you will see profile photos of all the people who saw it. You can simply tap on that list to view them all.
How to Create Highlight of a Story
It is easy creating the highlight of your current stories on the IG app. I will show a very simple procedure in order to do so. However, to create a highlight of a story:
- Go to your profile on the Instagram app.
- Now tap the + Sign with round circle around it.
- IG will take you to the archived stories list.
- Tap to select and create or make a highlight of that story.
- Tap the Next then give the Highlight a name.
- Once you are finished then tap the Done option.

This is how easily you can make or create a highlight on the IG application. The highlight will be there on your profile so that people can view it with ease. Moreover, you can go to the privacy settings on the app and tweak settings to stop someone to see it.
For the demo purpose, the screenshots provided above are taken on an android device. For iOS users, the procedure may not be that different. You can follow the above steps on your iPhone, iPad devices. Read How to Download or Save Instagram Stories.
Count the Views of a Highlight
Thousands of online markets choose Instagram for business purposes. However, billions of monthly users share things and highlights on IG daily. A highlight photo or video can be the best moment of your life, business sales, etc. You can view the counts on each highlight by just opening it up.
Method #1: Tap on the highlight on your profile page and look at the bottom left of your screen. There you see the viewers counts who saw the highlight or story.

Method #2: Get into the list of all highlights. For that tap on your profile picture, then the menu, and then the archive option. Now tap on any highlight to see its viewers count at the bottom left.
Check Who Saw Your Highlights
You can follow the above procedure method 1 or 2. Moreover, there is an alternative and easy way to check who saw or viewed your highlights on Instagram. To check:
- Go to your profile.
- Tap to open any highlight.
- Have a look at the Seen by at the bottom left.
- Now swipe from bottom to top to see who saw your highlight.

Easy fizzy right? That way you can track the performance of your stories and their highlights on IG with ease. Still, have any questions in mind? Do let me know via a contact in the form or comment section below.
How to See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights
I will be honest with you, there is not actually a method you can see who viewed your Instagram highlights. Yes, you can see who viewed those highlights within 24 hours.
But there are tools available online you can try to do so. You may think why cannot I see the viewers of my highlights after 24 hours? Well, as per IG, there is a good and solid reason behind it, when it comes to users’ privacy and security online on IG. However, no one mentioned that reason. To know who viewed your IG highlights:
- Open Instagram and go to your profile section.
- Tap a highlight you wanna see the views and who viewed it.
- Then tap the Seen with small round profile pictures at the bottom left.
- Now You will see the full list of people who viewed your highlights.

The alternative and quick method are to swipe on a highlight from bottom to top. That action will bring its views and views.
This is how you do it, but remember the viewers and view list are not available after 48 hours. There is nothing that can help, but third-party tools. But I will suggest never going for such tools. Because in the end, these tools need to access your profile. Once they access it they can do things you cannot imagine. I know there are some good people too, but tell me honestly do you trust them?
So keep that in mind, because I don’t wanna hide anything from you and wanna being honest with my blog readers.
Can you see someone’s story without them knowing?
The short and sweet answer is No you can not. But there is always an alternative way to see stories on IG without them knowing. All you have to do is:
Create a new IG account then have a look at the person’s username on your old account. Copy the username of the person then go to your new IG account. Paste it, view his profile, stories, highlights, etc without letting the person know. Remember it always depends on the person’s privacy settings.
Is it possible to see how many times someone viewed your story?
No, it is not possible to see how many times a person watched your story or highlight. You can only the person’s profile picture and the overall counts at the bottom left of the screen.
Can you see who views your Instagram highlights in 2023
Yes, you can see who views your IG highlights in 2023. But remember when it’s too late and you wanna see the views after 48 hours, then you cannot. This is as per IG privacy and security measure. However, no one knows the exact reason behind it.
Can I see who viewed my Instagram highlights after 24 hours
The short answer is No you cannot see who viewed your IG highlights after 24 hours. If you wanna know the reason and alternative ways. There is no reason to clarify. For alternative ways, I will say, there are tools available in the online market to do so.
But trusting those will cost you money and you can hurt your privacy online. Because at some points and definitely they wanna know your IG login details. Once you do that, you don’t have any idea what they can do with your account. Please stay away from doing so and keep checking the views and viewers for an IG highlight within 48 hours.
We are not friends, can I still see who viewed my story or highlight?
It doesn’t matter if you guys are friends or not. But you can see each other’s story view count and of course the profile picture. But remember it always works as per your or the other person’s privacy settings. You can tweak your privacy settings by getting into the privacy settings in the app.
You can’t see viewers list after 24 hours.
You can but only the numbers (via the archive), you did not read the article.
Do the highlights keep updating new viewers if it’s not in the active story?
Instagram story views