Category Messenger

Find useful tips, features, updates, and settings and privacy how to’s and lots of other Messenger’s features here.

Fix Facebook Messenger Camera Not Working Issue

Fix Facebook Messenger Camera Not Working Issue

Facebook Messenger is the world’s most popular Instant Messaging application. It’s completely free and easy to use. The app has all-in-one communication features. You can send unlimited text messages, create and join groups, etc. You can also sync your contacts…

How to Change Chat Theme Color in Messenger

How to Change Messenger Theme on Android, iPhone, PC

The standalone Facebook Messenger app has tons of features and customizations. They are adding amazing user-friendly enhancements to the app. However, since the Messenger launch, the default blue chat colors are there, and it looks kind of boring. Well, Messenger…

How to Change Ringtone in Messenger

How to Change Ringtone in Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is the most popular yet very powerful instant messaging app. Almost every Facebook user has Messenger installed on their smartphone. It has hundreds of customization features. Users can change notification sound and much more. For sure, it will…

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