How to Use Hashtags on Facebook – Definitive Guide

Here you will learn about hashtags on Facebook, also, how to use them on FB, and what it even means. Back in 2013 Facebook announced the #tags. This is a significant idea for engaging people on the Facebook platform as well as for businesses to reach more people around the world.

Hashtags on Facebook

When someone uses # before a keyword/topic/phrase on FB, it becomes a link to a specific topic e.g #Facebook, #Messenger-, #Marketing, etc. It converts trends, topics, and phrases into clickable links. So when you click on it, you only see what you are interested in in the newsfeed. For your information it was a terrific creation of Chris Messina, believe me, or not, it was awesome and stupid as well.

Do Hashtags Work on Facebook 2023

Yes, Facebook hashtags still work in 2023. #tags will improve your online presence on the Facebook platform. That way people will find you more often. Adding hostage to posts on FB means, you are getting the full of FB to reach your audience, customers, followers, and target community with a simple tag. Moreover, there is only one place on Facebook you can use such tags, and that is posts.

What is the Point of Hashtags on Facebook?

For example, when I search for #UnisteStates, Facebook will fill up my newsfeed with posts, photos, videos, etc with the United States in it only.

For Facebook, it’s an engagement of people to stay on FB as more as they can hold them up, for businesses it is reaching out to more people interested in their business. Moreover, for users, it is a time-saving feature to look for and get specific information about a topic. Some of the major points and purposes of the #tag on FB are:

  • Get involved in a specific conversation
  • Getting a wider audience and growth a business
  • Quickly follow and read what is going on with social media events, your favorite personality, programs, and much more.
  • Look at posts and updates from applications and pages, groups using the #tag.
  • You can click on a hashtag in a comment/everywhere and that click will take you to read more about that specific topic.
  • Search for a trend and much more.

How to Create Your Own Hashtags

It is easy to create your own hashtags on Facebook using your Mobile or PC. The feature is available on all platforms, such as Facebook on PC, Android, and iOS devices.

  1. All you have to do is start a conversation/post/add a video or photo by clicking on “What’s on your mind”
  2. Enter your topic and the number sign (#) before a specific phrase you want to engage people for or invite your audience to participate.
  3. Check the option for post visibility such as NewsFeed and Your Story.
  4. Finally, click the Post button.

How to create hashtags on Facebook

Creating own hashtags on Facebook

How to Use Hashtags Properly on Facebook

While creating your own #tags, please note that don’t write too many words, a single word is good enough for a hashtag. You can include numbers such as #Facebook123. But you are not allowed to add punctuations and spaces between words. For better results only write up to 3 phrases. It is recommended to use more than 3 hashtags in a single post.

  • Keep them pertinent
  • Well maintain them, keep it simple, and apparent
  • Please do not over-spam by adding more than three tags in a single post, page post, group post, campaigns, status update, advertisements, etc.

Best Practices of Hashtags on Facebook

The easier to understand your tags, the more it is easy to reach a wide audience. You can feel the difference yourself let’s say I post a topic with the tag #ABCFinalonBBC but the simpler version of the tag my fans may search for is #ABCFinal. This is the main reason why you need to keep tags as simple as possible. Some of the good examples are:

  • Never and don’t use spaces #Keto diet
  • Please stop adding punctuations #Cricket’ today
  • Avoid incorporating tags in sentences #BBC News today.
  • Be more specific #ABCFinals
  • Make it simpler #Workout
  • Use easy-to-understand words #Facebook

How to Use Hashtags for Trending Topics and Posts etc

Facebook allows all users to track their favorite celebrity, pages, etc, updates by using #tags. All you need to do is type in the specific phrase or keyword and put the # sign before it without adding space. You can use filters, by type, date, category, etc when using # tags. Please have a look at the below screenshot for your reference.

Hashtags on Facebook

Will Media Seize #Tags?

Definitely, it is a Yes. A wide range of broadcasters is using Twitter for using their conversational power. Facebook has billions of users and they can start and build a wider range than Twitter with the # tag feature. Everyone needs bigger and bigger audience attention and they could have started Facebook with a # tag to get more engagement. This clarifies the challenge may be rapidly daunting.

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Samad Ali Khan
Samad Ali Khan

Samad is a passionate blogger, a YouTuber. He loves creating contents on social media such as Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram and much more.

Articles: 249

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